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Audition Information

What to Expect When You Audition for YPTC Jr:


Audition: Young people aged 11-14 (as of audition) may participate. No experience is necessary. Actors are cast based on their ability and suitability for the roles.


Actors should come to auditions with completed audition registration forms. The forms are available online and at the audition.


Those auditioning should come prepared to have fun and with a prepared monologue if auditioning for a speaking role. They should wear attire appropriate to movement. Dance shoes, character shoes and sneakers are acceptable, but no open toed shoes, flip flops, or bare feet are allowed.


Time commitment: Participating in a production is a big time commitment. Be sure you are prepared to commit to all rehearsals and mandatory dates before you audition.


Parent commitment: Each parent is required to ensure that their child arrives to rehearsal and performances prepared and on time.

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